Add pictures wizard
This wizard is to add pictures to the group currently selected (including the root one, ie the photo album itself). If the group
is not selected, the add function is disabled.
Adding pictures starts with selecting the picture files and/or folders containing picture files.
Files/folders list
You select some items you wish using the keyboard or mouse with Shift or Ctrl keys.
Recurse subfolders
If there are folders selected in the tree, then having this checkbox turned on you add files not only from that folders, but also
from all the nested folders.
Displays or hides the File selection filter panel, allowing you to narrow file selection by certain criteria (see below).
Photo album presence
Allows you to filter picture files on their presence in the photo album:
- Disregard - the filter is ignored.
- Only files which are absent at the photo album - only files will be added which are not yet in the common photo album picture list.
- Only files which are present at the photo album - only files will be added which are already contained in the photo album.
File masks
A filter restricting files being added by their name and/or extension. The mask is built as usual: ? character
replaces any character and * replaces arbitrary number of any characters; moreover you can specify character ranges in the square brackets
like you do for search.
You can specify more than one mask by delimiting them with semicolon. In this case a file matches if it matches any mask.
File modified time
You can specify limits of date and/or time file modified. This way you can eg select files have been saved before or after a
particular date. Empty field means filter is inactive.
At this page you may opt which files are to be added among ones selected at the previos page by check or uncheck them.
By default, all files are checked.
Check can be toggled by mouse or with Space key (in this case checks are inverted for all the highlighted files).
Popup menu (invoked by the right mouse click) provides additional options.
NB: This page is displayed provided the default options are used. You may want to disable displaying this page in the
dialog settings, then the page will be skipped, and after files/folders selection page the
picture adding process will start immediately.
This page is displayed while adding the selected picture files. The program shows picture addition progress and the number
of errors occured. You can watch those errors (as long as pictures added successfully) afterwards on the log page.
Moreover the thumbnail created for the picture last added is displayed.
- Picture additiong is performed by a parallel thread; you can interrupt the process only between two pictures being processing, and this
slightly slows down the program's response on clicking Interrupt button.
- Moreover, you cannot close the wizard window having active picture addition process. You will need to interrupt it using the
Interrupt button before you can close the window.
- Picture addition process performs autofilling the picture data. You can setup the autofill feature
in the dialog settings; autofill results can be watched at the log page.
By clicking this button you stop the addition process. The button becomes Continue, and by clicking it you resume the process.
On process completion the program closes wizard window (only when no errors occured and settings
specify not to show the log when no errors), or advances to the log page.
The log displays all the operations performed to the picture files, in sequence. Each file (from selected ones) may be marked
either as succeeded, or as failed, the latter case the error encountered message appears next to the file name. In the former case the
autofill results described.
Display errors only
When turned on the log shows only failed entries, otherwise succeeded entries are also shown. The option is convenient when
you need to find some error among a large number of added files.
Save to file...
Allows you to write the log to a plain text file.
- When saving the log all entries are always written, disregarding the Display errors only checkbox.
- Failed entries are marked with symbols [!] in the file, while succeeded ones have [+] at the beginning. This allows to
easy find errors in the log file.
You can watch the log before all files are added by interrupting the addition process and then clicking then Next
button. Afterwards you can go back (by clicking Back) and then resume the process.
This operation supports
See also:
Browse mode
Working in the browse mode
Copyright ©2002-2004 Dmitry Kann. All rights reserved.